"Hip Flexors. I highly recommend this set of exercises as it targets the whole of the area of my 'stiff hips/legs'. The exercises are explained very well at the beginning of each set of movements. Having said this I haven't got through to the end yet as I progress slowly trying to ensure I am moving correctly. It is good to have two people showing the moves as sometimes a little difference can be seen in their flexibility. This helps me understand that my flexibility is going to be particular to my body. After a couple of weeks I am feeling a difference for the better. I look forward to completing all the exercises and continuing for greater flexibility. I also look forward to getting more of these sets of exercises as I believe the 'leverage' movement is the key to gaining the flexibility to our muscles. Thank you Easyflexibility/Elastic Steel for such a comprehensive range of dvd's to work my way through!" ~ Faye T.