Front Lever is a beautiful skill attesting to one's core, back and triceps strength. It's been said that for thousands of people who can do over 20 push ups, only a few can hold a front lever. The reason for those odds is not so much strength, but progression. Not many athletes know how to progress to the desired front lever.
It's a fact that the same progression sequence does not work the same for everyone. The reason for this has to do with individual strengths and prior training. A bodyweight athlete with strong core will have different challenges than a pro-rower with upper strong back.
Handstand is a standard "wish" skill. Everyone wants to be able to do it, yet not so many master it. There are three main reasons for failing to hold a comfortable handstand:
1. Lack of proper preparation
2. Lack of correct progression
3. Lack of Serratus Activation
A true testament to strength and balance, attempting a full planche can be a real challenge. But with the easy, structured steps we’ve developed in this program – you’ll get the hang of it in no time! And sure it looks good, but do you know how much skill goes into actually doing it?
But don’t let this discourage you from trying! After all – practice makes perfect and you’re only as good as your teacher and our program is pretty good!
We know that what works for some may not work for others, so we’ve concentrated on offering different progressions that will meet everyone’s individual needs and skills. You’ll be able to take things at a speed you’re comfortable with, eliminating all injury and discomfort.
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