Each player faces multiple tackles per game. Each one can spell injuries. Strong and flexible core helps to absorb and often avoid being taken down. Unfortunately very few players work on core flexibility and core strength in various ranges. Some players take yoga to meet their flexibility needs on the field. While relaxed stretches do work eventually, they work very slow and do not transfer well into the dynamic flexibility needs of a football player.
Agility is the second point addressed by both core flexibility and stability. Agility is an ability to move quickly in any direction and change direction. An agile player can change the outcome of a game.
ā€‹Coaches know this, and thus spent considerable amount of time on footwork and agility drills. However most of the time, everything above the hips is neglected. This is improper as half the body is located above the pelvis. Flexible core adds greatly to players agility. This is true for Football, Basketball, Volleyball and any other sport. However specific core requirements are different, due to different techniques used. For reason special flexibility program is designed with football player in mind.
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