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Attention dancers! Are you experiencing discomfort, injuries, or a dip in your performance due to uneven turnout?

arabesque Jun 08, 2024
three turnout position pictures
In ballet and various dance styles, uneven turnout refers to one hip having greater outward rotation than the other. This discrepancy can occur in any stance, from first to fifth position, and might not affect all positions equally. For instance, you might achieve perfectly even turnout in first position, but as soon as you extend your leg backward, forward, or to the side, you may observe one leg turning out more than the other. Let's explore this further through a case study.
Let's delve into a case study. Maggie, an 11-year-old ballet dancer, displayed nearly even turnout in the first position, perfectly even in the second, but significantly uneven in the fifth position. Seeking assistance, Maggie's mom reached out to Lisa, an instructor in training with EasyFlexibility. Lisa, eager to ensure she was providing the correct guidance to Maggie, contacted us for support. We were more than happy to offer the assistance she needed.
Employing Zaichik Stretching Techniques (ZST), the instructor conducted a thorough assessment of all the muscles involved in turnout for Maggie, identifying that the issue stemmed from the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus on her left side. This imbalance was evident as Maggie's right leg demonstrated significantly better turnout compared to her left. Upon evaluating her strength, it became clear that the main limiting factor was flexibility rather than strength.
We advised the instructor to focus on ZST exercises specifically aimed at the left gluteus medius and minimus, along with complementary exercises, until Maggie achieved an even turnout. Once this milestone was reached, we suggested that Maggie and her mom transition to a comprehensive turnout program. This approach ensures that all muscles limiting turnout are adequately lengthened and those contributing to turnout are strengthened, promoting balanced strength and flexibility on both sides and across various positions.


Ballet Turnout Strength & Flexibility Training at Home


This Ballet Turnout program will help you to be able to do a Turnout in Ballet, steadily, safely, painlessly and quickly with the use of the Proprietary Zaichik Stretching Techniques and Supporting Exercises.
  • See visible results in 1 to 3 easy follow along workouts.
  • Unique muscle by muscle isolation stretching techniques.
  • Fast Progress.
  • Permanent Results.
  • No Pain.
  • No Injuries.
  • Flexibility & Strength combined.
  • For all ages.
  • 30 – 40 minute workouts, 2 – 3 times a week.
  • All videos contain subtitles.
  • Train at home. At your own pace. On any device.
  • Instant Lifetime Access.
  • No hidden fees. No strings attached. No surprises.

If you feel that your turnout is not balanced, you can perform a little test.

  • To assess whether your turnout is symmetrical, you can conduct a simple test:

    Start by lying on your back, bringing your heels together, and allowing your legs to naturally fall to the sides. Ensure your hips are making even contact with the floor, and then observe your turnout. Compare the outward rotation of each hip by noting the position of the outside of your feet - how does the left side match up to the right?

    For an active assessment, engage the muscles responsible for turnout to see the extent of your rotation.

    This test can be replicated in various positions, including standing. When standing, it's best to test one leg at a time. Testing both legs simultaneously can make it challenging to identify if one side is compensating for the other.

If you find that your turnout is already even and you're looking to enhance it further, consider exploring our turnout program. It has successfully assisted thousands of dancers in improving their turnout capabilities.
Should you discover that your turnout is uneven, we advise consulting with a certified EasyFlexibility instructor to identify the root of the issue. Rest assured, our instructors are always welcome to communicate with us, particularly if they've recently completed their certification, ensuring you receive accurate guidance and appropriate assessments.
Following this, we suggest focusing on one side to balance out any significant discrepancies in turnout. If the difference is minimal, it's okay to work on both sides simultaneously. Of course, minor adjustments may be necessary, and an EasyFlexibility certified instructor can assist you with these refinements. Wishing you the best in your training journey.
With our certifications you will be able to:
  • Teach at home!
  • Do one-on-one training sessions
  • Do group classes
  • Teach at your studio
  • The possibilities are endless!
With each Certification you will get:
  • Detailed instructions on how to teach, what to do, what not to do, how to properly put together training sessions. Some certifications include step by step lessons plans, others will teach you how to put together a training session for yourself and your clients.
  • FREE PROGRAMS of your choice: Your choice of digital videos is an added bonus to obtaining these certifications. It allows for a better idea of how Zaichik Stretching techniques are combined to form specific routines.
  • Access to a Private Support Forum: Believe it or not – this is one of the most important elements of a program as it forms the right attitude towards the program. Upon registration for the course you gain an access to the private support forum, where you have a 24-hour active community to share your experience with, ask questions and seek advice.
  • Getting promoted for free on our social media (more than 250 thousand followers).
  • Listing in our private directory of EasyFlexibility Certified Instructors which allow you to be put on a list to be connected with potential clients that reach out to us.
Get Certified Today!
EFTC - EasyFlexibility Online Certification Training Course - The Original! GOLD Edition
EasySplits Online Certification Training Course *24 Lessons! - Platinum Edition
EasyBack Bending Online Certification Training Course *Over 100 Lessons!
Easy Arabesque & Attitude Derriere Online Certification Training Course - *30 Lessons!

Easy Forward Bend Certification Training Course *Over 100 Lessons!

About the Author:
Paul Zaichik is an Exercise Science Expert, author of multitude of books, and the creator of Zaichik Stretching Technique (formely known as Kinesiological Stretching Technique). His speciality is flexibility training as well as body weight conditioning. His innovative method is designed to have maximum carry over into specific athletic techniques. Paul is the author of books and DVD’s on the topic of flexibility, martial arts and bodyweight training. Over the years, Paul Zaichik has worked with a variety of individuals including athletes, entertainers, and military personnel. His ElasticSteel Method of Athletic Conditioning programs, EasyFlexibility Programs and Zaichik Stretching Techniques are used world wide by both professional and amateurs with great success.

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