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Is it dangerous to do an over split?

Are you excited about attempting an oversplit, and have questions about when it's best to try one, or how long it could take to accomplish? An oversplit is a type of split in which your legs open beyond a 180 degree angle. With my years of experience training athletes, I've gathered plenty of...

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How long does it take to learn the splits

Is it possible to learn the splits in a single training session?

Is it possible to learn the splits in a single training session? The answer is yes. Everybody's flexibility and strength levels are different, so it may take some people much longer than others to acquire the split. Factors that...

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A Step-By-Step Guide To Mastering Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (King Pigeon Pose)

Learn How To Prepare & Perfectly Execute The Challenging King Pigeon Pose

King Pigeon pose, also known as Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, is an invigorating posture that offers a full body stretch! It's one of the most intense yoga postures so it may look intimidating to beginners, but with a few...

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Most Effective Stretching Modality: Alternating Contracting Target Leverage

flexibility pearls Sep 04, 2019
How to keep improving, when you hit a stretching plateu.
   In EasyFlexibility System, we have a "tool" called modalities. In simple terms, modalities is applying contractions to target or leverage.
    There are many ways to do it and usually advanced...
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High Leg Extensions Solution: Strength vs Flexibility Debate: And the winner is…

flexibility pearls Feb 21, 2019
If you want to lift your legs high on your Developpes, Battements, Penche, etc., but your legs refuse to come up as high as you want them, a question arises:
“Are my legs not strong enough or not flexible enough? Which one is it? A strength or flexibility...
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Arabesque and Back Flexibility

flexibility pearls Feb 21, 2019
A common saying is that a dancer is only as good as her basics. Arabesque is one of those fundamental techniques where fluidity and solid form are combined. Flexibility of many muscles is called into play.
Adductors, Hip Flexors, Hamstrings, Core
One of the...
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How to over-stretch without over-stretching

flexibility pearls Feb 21, 2019
Since this question usually comes up in reference to a straddle, we might as well call this article:
“How to Over-Split without Over-splitting”
Are you familiar with benefits of over-stretching?
If not, please see previous article here.

I had more people express...
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Want Flexible Adductors?

flexibility pearls Feb 21, 2019
Of course you do. These guys are involved in almost everything. No Split can be performed without them. Very Few skills don't require adductors flexibility.
We have a very special technique for you, to help you stretch those bad boys faster.
To understand this...
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If can do one type of split, should I be able to do another one automatically? PART 4

flexibility pearls Feb 14, 2019
In the last 3 parts we have talked about Front to Side Split carry over (or lack of it). We also talked about different types of forward splits and their relationship.

Today we will talk about a question I get asked all the time.
What is the relationship between the toes up and...
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Why can I do one type of split, why can’t I do all of them? Part 3

flexibility pearls Feb 14, 2019
In the last two articles, we talked about the Middle split (side split) and a True split (squared front split).
Today we’ll talk about the two types of Front splits. True or squared front split and Open or turned out front split.
Front Split
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